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Series regulation - shunt regulation

Series regulation - shunt regulation

Our single- and two-phase rectifiers operate with series „open” type regulation, while our three-phase rectifiers work with shunt regulation. We will try to summarize the difference between the two regulations in the following blog article.


Series regulation 

Shunt regulation

The rectifier regulates by interrupting the current

The rectifier regulates by direct the "excess" current back to the stator.

The vehicle operates at a low RPM

The vehicle (can) operate at high RPM

The stator windings are typically "dry" *

The stator windings are always in oil.

*with quads, Ducati ST2, we have already seen cases where there was a serial regulator installed, but the stator windings was in oil

In "vehicles" with a low RPM range (diesel work machines, mopeds), series regulation is suitable. It can be observed that the windings of these generators are almost always "dry".

In the case of vehicles with a high RPM range, shunt regulation is used. This places more stress on the windings of the stator because it is constantly under load, and the current is constantly flowing through it. Here the windigs are always in oil. We would like to emphasize that this regulation is currently standard practice for three-phase regulator rectifiers.

Due to its design, the series rectifier (technically) cannot be a MOSFET, only a thyristor. Regardless, three-phase rectifiers with series regulation exist, but they are rarely used. It occurs with higher performance, but low RPM range (diesel) work machine stators.